March favourites!

  Things that are putting a smile on our faces right now...

1.  Ballet inspired fashion...

Passionate dancers that we are, we live and breathe everything to do with our artform, so there's something gleeful about opening up the latest issue of Vogue or Cosmo and finding the pages splashed with elegant ballerina and black swan inspired clothing and shoes...all perfect for the start of winter fashion too! Added bonus of being a dancer - being the muses of the fashion world as well as the art world!! ;)


It seems our followers have gotten into the full artistic and creative swing of things over on instagram :) We are constantly ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the gorgeous pictures everyone has been tagging #energetiks ...and we're happy to oblige with a bunch of our own behind-the-scenes, sneak-peaks, artwork, competition and photoshoot snap shots! So if you haven't already, come join our little Instagram dance community and share the inspiration around!

3.  Busting out the leg and arm warmers

Now that Summer is over  (leaving us with pleasant memories of picnics, salt-covered skin and sunburns) and the cooler weather is slowly creeping in to take it's place, we're comforted by the return of some of our dancewear fashion favourites that become available to us during the cooler months. Burgundies, navy blues, blacks and other delightfully dramatic colours replace the neons of the warmer months, and elegant long sleeved leotards, flattering dark tights and of course, pretty leg (and arm!) warmers are all dug back out of the wardrobe and dusted off with enthusiasm, yay Autumn!

4.  Apples!

They may be available most of the year thanks to our supermarkets storing them away, but this month is pretty much the best month to snack on these sweet, crunchy fruits, all the scrumptious varieties are coming into season and will be tasting better and fresher than ever! Jonathan, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Jonagold, Fuji, Braeburn, Pink Lady, and Granny Smith are all busy ripening right now, so get munching!

5. Beautiful, stormy skies.

Okay okay so I know not everyone is going to agree with this, and I know that a gorgeous summers day is pretty hard to compete with... but I personally think there's something pretty spectacular about a dramatic cloudy sky, the kind that can only be seen during those colder, darker months of the year. ...And if there's a teeny bit of lightning illuminating the clouds from afar... ooh! Perfect! The adrenaline-inducing rumble of distant thunder, darkened sky and restless wind whipping up excitement! I can never help feeling like I'm just about to see an owl come swooping down to offer me my letter of invitation to Hogwarts. ...Anyyyy minute now :D

Well... I could keep going but I think I'd better leave it there now that I've covered all things from Vogue to Voldemort ;) But we'd love to hear what's topping your list of favourite things right now, so feel free to share it with us in the comments below :)

Happy Autumn everyone!

X Ally